Delegate registration

Thursday 8 May 2025 | Leeds Marriott Hotel

MMI Leeds is aimed at practising financial advisers, financial planning teams, and heads of adviser businesses including owners, directors and partners.

Please register yourself and/or a colleague for the event via the form below. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your registration, and the Money Marketing team will then be in touch to confirm your place.

Money Marketing reserves the right to confirm or reject places at the event. If for any reason you do not meet the criteria of our delegate profile, you will be notified in due course.

If you do not meet the delegate criteria above, you may be able to purchase a networking pass. Contact for more details .

Please note that if you already have an account, you can use your existing login details. If you are a new user, you will need to create a new account.

If you need help with your booking or have any event questions, get in touch with

Free to attend. Available to practising financial advisers and heads of adviser businesses including owners, directors and paraplanners.

£ 0.00
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