
2024: a year of seismic activity

2024 is the year the regulator has promised to get tough, or in their own words, more targeted, intrusive, and assertive. Price and value are at the centre of this stance. As the regulator watches on, advisers will require faster processes and greater efficiencies to create value, highlighting the need for more, and better, technology adoption and integration.

At MMI Leeds key sessions will focus on the price and value of advice, client value, platform strategies, and technological efficiencies. This year will also bring the UK to the polls. With millions already facing higher tax rates and advisers grappling with inflation and market volatility, the impact of the next government on financial regulation, taxation, and the economy becomes critical to the profession.

Given the fractures in the investment landscape, we'll also discuss tax planning and investment strategies as the environment for both has become more hostile. Keeping with the tax and investment theme we will also explore the best ways to advise clients wishing to help their families financially.

This year is shaping up to be a year of seismic significance in so many areas. Can you steer your business and your clients through the challenges and keep them out of the hot stuff?

Please note: agenda timings and content are subject to change at any time.

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